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Schoolmates Page 6
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Page 6
“But that’s impossible! I know how much I calculated! There was no error!” Mrs. Dhir was hysteric.
“See again Ratna.” It was the sound of our Vice-Principal. At this point we were shut off from the conversation as Mrs. Ratna left the staff room to fetch the paper in question and the Vice-Principal left for her office.
There was a fast exchange of words in quick succession and by the end of the next period the entre senior wing was aware that Mrs. Ratna Dhir had wrongly evaluated Tejas Ahluwalia’s Geography formative answer sheet.
Tejas was like the crown prince. Surrounded with curious ears, he was relishing narrating his tale to all interested parties, over and over again.
“I knew I had scored more! That’s why I looked very carefully and there . . . in the maps section, I found she had forgotten to check my work. And know what . . . all answers were correct too!! I scored a complete five points!! And my grades have changed because of that.” Tejas was bellowing with self—righteousness.
I myself was bemused. We all had studied under Mrs. Ratna Dhir,the previous year as well and I was of firm opinion that she was very meticulous in such evaluative tasks. Her skills for this, data processing were quite fool proof. Yet, the teachers too remain over loaded with work and there was a tiny possibility that she missed it this time. However, Anjali was not convinced and asked all to await the final result of re-evaluation.
“Let’s show some faith and respect guys . . . Ms. Ratna has never fouled up data before!” Anjali spoke.
“Of-course, you will be calm since it’s not your grades getting affected Anjali!” Tejas replied.
“Sure Tejas, I would be concerned only if my A2 was becoming A1. I would not even bother if a meek C2 was converting into a C1.” Anjali replied sharply.
“Well it matters to some of us!! Ask Riya . . . It matters to her too doesn’t it?” Tejas nodded in my direction.
“Riya? Well Tejas, have you gone cuckoos? Riya is all Ai student!” Anjali asked surprised.
“I know darling. I meant it would now have begun mattering to Riya since her dearest Kabir is in this range as well.” Tejas mocked.
“Shut up Tejas!! Don’t be a fool and you dare not say things like that!! Don’t forget she is a house prefect as well!” Anjali fumed up.
“Ok I won’t. But truth hurts darling, doesn’t it,” Tejas smiled mockingly and got buried amongst the few more gossip seekers. Ayesha was his prime target, fascinated as she was by the concern he was bestowing on her and Madhuri.
It was really a shock to me when Ms Ratna did actually increase five marks in Tejas’s maps.
But as the day wore on, I detected something else. Apparently, something had happened in the second last period and Tejas was called down to the Principal’s office. Then, Mrs Dhir was seen rushing out of her class, leaving the students rushing out behind her, to the office as well.
Later it was announced that Tejas was suspended for ten working days . . . along with Kabir!
It was near my bus stop that Jaya filled me in. Her elder sister’s class faced the offices and that’s how she and others of her room overheard everything.
Apparently Kabir was caught fighting with Tejas, brutally, after Tejas got the suspension. Tejas was found to have entered the map details AFTER it was fully evaluated and been shown in the class. He usually did this, but someone saw him do it this time and reported it to Mrs. Ratna later in the day.
It was confirmed that the answers were written after he had seen the papers in class and his parents were called to inform about the same and Tejas was suspended with Mrs. Ratna cleared of any error.
Tejas was furious that his trick had back fired. He was also a bit embarrassed to face all those to whom he had fed lies the entire day and especially Anjali who he knew would not miss rubbing his nose in this mess.
But, more so he was convinced it was Kabir who had reported him and therefore, without confirmation or any notice he had pounced on Kabir in the senior boy’s locker room and there had been a huge fight between them. The result was that even Kabir was now facing suspension for five working days.
I was aware that Kabir had been listening to Tejas brawl about the marks all day. But I was sure, because of the excess work load; he had not had the time to ponder over this much. Therefore, I had a nagging feeling that someone else was involved in all this and I was determined to find it out.
The next day, both Tejas and Kabir were absent from the class. As the day progressed I saw and observed carefully all the pupils in my class gossip about them. I noticed different reflections of excitement and awe on their faces. ALL were amazed by this episode and therefore this seemed a very normal response, shown by all sixteen year olds . . . except one!
Joy Ghosh.
Joy sat mute and smiled remotely whenever anything related to suspension was spoken. I was convinced he knew something. So in recess, I asked him.
“Joy . . . Kabir did not report Tejas. I know it.” I spoke confidently. I saw Joy suck in air.
“Do you know who did?” I asked again. Joy was transfixed to the spot. I knew now that it was a few more minutes before I could break his silence, but he looked ready to faint that very moment.
“Joy? Joy?” I shook him by the arm. He was transfixed, it seemed.
“Joy? Sit down ok . . . sit.” I literally pulled him down on the bench where we usually sat and had food.
“Look Joy, you can tell me everything. I know you know and so I have an obligation to tell the teachers. But if you confide in me, I promise, your name won’t come up. I will take everything on me, whatever the consequences!” I tried my most convincing tone.
Joy took his time, but finally he narrated the entire episode to me as to how he had rolled his pencil under the bench and as he had bent down to look for it, he had spotted Tejas making the additions to his then, empty map. He had not known that it would become such a huge issue.
I knew what had to be done. So as soon as the recess was over, I found myself outside the Principal’s office, awaiting the call of my name.
“Yes, dear. Why did you wish to meet me?” My Principal looked up from her bifocals and smiled at me. I was a popular student.
“Ma’am . . . there is something very crucial I must confide in you, but I can’t disclose my resource . . .” I told her everything. She sat there politely listening to every word I said.
“Ma’am, we just assumed Kabir to have done it. He did not, at least not this time.” I finally ended my statement.
“Are you sure about this resource of yours?” The Principal asked after a few minutes of thought.
“I’m positive ma’am,” I replied.
“Ok. I appreciate all this. I will look into the matter now. You may go. And Riya, do not disclose our dialogue to others . . . not even
Mrs. Ratna. I will do so myself.” She smiled at me and I felt the most important student in the school. I had to admit, more than charisma; our Principal had a quality of man management. She knew her students well.
As Riya kept the year book aside, she recalled the hullabaloo when Kabir was present in class the next day. A very proud Dev was narrating a new tale of how the AUTHORITIES had found his mate clear! He was so happy! Riya remembered the look on his face. It was Anjali who noticed Riya’s aloofness and after a long question and answer session elucidated the details.
“You!!! YOU did that?? For him?” Anjali was livid.
“Yes Anjali. And don’t be so upset. It was the right thing to do. He is not the culprit every time something happens,” I had replied.
“My god!!”Anjali had responded in sheer surprise, hands covering her mouth.
“What now?” I had asked, shading the human circulatory system diagram in my Biology register.
“He doesn’t even know . . . you have forgiven him!! And Riya . . . I .
. . I think . . . Oh lord! . . . I think you have begun liking him!!” Anjali looked horrified at her own statement.
“Oh shut up silly!” I had laughed it off. . . .
“I think you like him!!”
That note had not left my mind; it reverberated for a while there.
“All one needs to really enjoy this world is a few good friends to totter along with . . .”
I had read this quote in a very old quotations book in our library, but I realised its essence that day when Dev approached me, two days after Kabir’s return and asked me if it was me who had cleared his friend’s name.
“Who told you that?” I was surprised how these guys managed all kinds of information. The entire grade three staffs was their friend, anyone could have told him a bit.
“That is not important. Did you do it Riya?” Dev asked.
“I’ll tell only if you tell Dev,” I played my bargain.
Dev considered it for a minute, and then nodded in affirmation. Kabir wanted to know so Dev had to get an answer from me.
“Anjali told me, rather scolded me with the information . . . obviously idolising you and pointing out how immensely lucky Kabby was.” Dev spoke.
“Hmm, I see. Well, since she had blabbed it out, Yes. It was me. And I did it because I knew Kabby was not culprit this time around.” I spoke replacing my books in my bag. It was the last period and the school bell would have rung any minute.
“Thanks . . . for everything,” Dev replied.
“Hmm. Accepted.” I replied without looking at him.
As I had sat that day on ‘our spot’ I was engrossed in reading Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austin, my all-time favourite writer. I was wondering how a proud Mr. Darcy was still negating his emotions for Elizabeth Bennett, when I heard a soft foot sound. A shadow fell on my body.
“Thanks . . . Riya,” I looked up to see Kabby standing there. He had spoken to me after one and a half month, not that I missed him, or did I? Why did I remember the exact dates then?
“For what?” I asked.
“For . . . clearing my name.”
“Well . . . what do you want now, a medal? Be happy you have guts to come and patch up with me.” I replied.
“AAaaa . . . Ok, I suppose,” Kabir looked fumbled. I tried hard but could not help laughing. To this he smiled too and that was all that was needed.
We were friends again.
It goes without saying that the word soon spread that we were ‘together’ again . . . whatever that meant. Many people, Ayesha included, was convinced I had done something to get him free of detention. They were not wrong this time, but I never corrected them.
Kabir and I began our old routine of sitting on the spot for completing our day’s tasks. I had begun lending him my records and helping him revise the new topics. He would carry my bag to the bus, to which I objected madly.
“Kabby, you know what people say when you do this . . .” I remarked one day, trying to pull my bag out of his strong grip.
“No. What do they say?” he knew very well.
“They say you are my boyfriend . . .” I pulled my bag again.
“So? What do you tell them?” Kabir replied, smiling mischievously.
“What?? Nothing . . . I say nothing Kabby!” I looked surprised. I was blushing all over.
“Well, let me give you a better option. Say yes to some girls . . . and see the fun.” Kabby replied.
“Ah! I face a lot of critique already. You want to make it tougher for me?” I replied finally letting go of my bag, least its straps should snap.
“No, my flightless bird. Just want you to have a bit of fun. Now, let me walk my GIRLFRIEND to her bus,” he said swinging my bag on his shoulders. I followed him mutely.
A few days later I told him it was Joy who had seen Tejas.
“I suppose all those years of bullying did Tejas no good.” Kabir spoke. We were sitting on the benches during lunch. Dev was with us as well. This had been a regular feature now, much to Anjali’s distress. She hated sharing me with other friends. In tenth grade, loyalty and friendship are paramount.
Dev never got along well with Anjali as well. She had a sharp tongue and Dev had a terrible temper. Yet I and Kabby managed our friends well. And so our circle grew into many circles and soon the word was confirmed that we were indeed a couple.
“Stop them Kabby!” I would retort.
“My parents would house arrest me if they heard of this nonsense.” I would plead. But Kabir would rejoice and relish the look of distress on my face. He claimed I looked so sweet with those tension lines on my forehead.
“You really look sweet with that look on your face,” he said.
“Oh please . . . you look good with any look on your face.” I had replied.
“Really? I din’t know you had begun noticing? So . . . is that my Girlfriend kind of attention or . . .” Kabir had begun teasing me and I had picked up my Maths register to hit him playfully.
Oblivious to others, we had begun spending considerable time with each other now. Anjali was not pleased yet Dev was relaxed as Kabir was happy. There were so many projects to be made and so many assignments to be done that I suppose I missed out on how fast the storm about me and Kabir was rising in the seniors building. Perhaps I was selectively filtering information or was turning a blind eye to it.
Yet, in school no one rests until they have a bit of fun at the cost of someone else, especially people like Ayesha. Tejas was due to join us from the next day and Ayesha and her coterie were already preparing a launch pad for making my days tougher.
“Riya, what has gone wrong with your brains?” Meenakshi cornered me after assembly next morning.
“What happened Meenakshi?” I asked worried.
“You and Kabir are the talk of the town! People outside school gossip about you two now! Do you realise how this reflects on us all?” Meenakshi spoke.
“Who all?” I asked.
“Well . . . the prefectural board! I mean, you want to have a boyfriend, sure go ahead have one! But Kabir? He is a regular defaulter and was saved from a suspension recently! EVERYONE knows who saved his skin!” Meenakshi revolved her beautiful hazel eyes.
“I . . . don’t know how to respond Meenakshi. Perhaps you ought to set my record straight. He is just a friend in need and I . . .” I did not get a chance to finish my statement, as Kabir walked past us both flashing a very mischievous smile.
Meenakshi looked at me with a renewed expression and I just felt caught! I was compelled to feel that perhaps there was more to Kabir’s friendship than I had fathomed.
I still did not realise the extent of what it meant to be called a couple! I had never imagined in my wildest of dreams that I would be paired with someone someday. I was always too occupied with my work. But now, it appeared everyone who met my eye looked questioningly at me. It was my mind playing tricks, but then, I was just a tenth grader!
A few events happened in succession in the next month. It was October, our first term results had just poured in and for the first time Kabir had cleared all subjects! On the result day, his mother had stopped me and thanked me immensely. I was speechless! My parents were both with me that day and must have been happy to hear Kabir’s mom praise me, the only child of my parents, yet I was sure I saw a restricted expression on my dad’s face. I knew then that I had to maintain caution in school as one word of any link-up between Kabir and me would anger my dad immensely.
Riya peeped in on her son in his room. He was sitting on his table, bent over some books. She walked across and looked over and smiled to herself. He was trying in vain to copy a small figure on a card for his father’s home coming.
“Here, let me help you . . .” Riya sat down to assist her five year old son.
would like this one mom! See . . . it has a basketball drawn on it!” Raibir exclaimed.
Riya turned the card over only to see smiling flowers on its cover.
“There are no basketballs here Raibir!” she looked at him sweetly.
“Oh look inside mom! I have made them myself for dad!” Raibir said proudly!
Riya let out a tiny laugh. Yes, dad would love it!
Winters had arrived in Delhi. The sun was a warm shade of orange and there was a general happiness in air. Soft woollen mittens and scarves were covering the tabloids and our blazers were out of their packaging. School was gearing up for its annual inter school zone competitions. I was participating in most literary events along with Anjali and Meenakshi. We were to visit other schools, which was always very exciting as we left in the school car and returned after the day’s studies. Although I usually did not like missing any of my classes yet in these few days, I never fretted either. It was a great treat to be able to represent one’s school.
Likewise a few competitions were held in our school too. The boys, especially, had a gala time gazing at the teams from other schools, especially the girl’s teams. Kabir was the leader who ogled and sighed the most, I must say. This one event saw boys of all sections, all streams, all positions...united!
This time, the English and Hindi poetry, extempore, debate and declamation competitions were to be conducted in our school. The stage was set and the auditorium was filling up with teams of participating schools. Students from our school were also occupying their allotted seats. I was backstage, nervous as a new born, when Kabir entered in the room. A few girls turned around and gave him a very thorough evaluation and with very approving glances as well.
“Hi!” I could hear the excitement in his voice.
“All set to defeat these dames?” He said, trying to boost my diminishing confidence.
“I am way to nervous Kabby! Some of these girls are champions of last year!” my hands were shivering! I did not know if it was the December chill responsible or the huge surge of adrenaline pumping in my system.